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Filming and Images of Children Policy

Photographs of children used for websites, school brochures and other promotional material may not be used without written consent of the parent/guardian of the child.


Photographs of children should be decent and respectful, not presenting them as victims. Children should be adequately clothed and poses that could be interpreted as sexually suggestive should be avoided.


Partner Organisations

Any agreement between the school and partner organizations which provide services to children will require assurance that a child protection policy and procedure is in place and needs to be adhered to.


Filming and Images of Children

Photographing children at school events (such as sports day, the school concert and other events):


It is a great thing to film your child at our school events and we know they provide a lot of precious memories. You can support us in keeping our children safe by considering the following recommendations:

  • Think about privacy and who has the right to see your images, not only of your child but of others too.

  • Images and videos should be for your own or family’s personal use only.

  • If you do share the images online, then you should make them limited to immediate family only and not to the public – and these images must only be of your child (not the school group and children that are not part of your family).

  • Please ensure if you are taking photographs or filming your child at school events that you do not load these photographs or videos onto public sites – such as YouTube, Facebook and others – if other people’s children appear in any of these images.

  • Parents are permitted to take photographs and film at school events provided they are

    taking for personal use only; if they include images of others children, under no circumstances can they be put on the Internet.


We are mindful of the fact that some families may not wish to have their children photographed (i.e. concern arising from a desire to protect the child’s identity on social media, or due to a restraint or protection order against a family member etc.). If you have special circumstances either now – or at any time in the future – concerning photographs being taken of your child, please let us know in writing.


The school has a duty to provide a safe environment for the children at school and whilst asking all our parents to be mindful of our photography policy, it is not possible for the school to monitor and control each family’s photographing of children at school events. Therefore, if you do not want your child to be photographed, it is best that your child and your family do not attend school events or outings because neither the school, nor any employee, nor the owner, not the head, nor the principal thereof, shall be responsible for the manner in which any photograph taken at such events is utilized by third parties.


Please ensure that all photographs or films taken of children:

  • Do not include personal details of any child in the photographic image or video (i.e. full names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, anything that can be used to identify an individual)

  • Are decent and respectful. Ensure children are suitably dressed to reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately. Ensure children are not presented in poses that can be interpreted as sexually suggestive or that impact negatively on their dignity or privacy.

  • Respect local cultural traditions. 


Images for School Publications:

  • We request each parent’s written consent to take photographs or films. A form will be provided to sign and complete. It is optional if you wish for your child to be photographed or filmed for purposes to promote and publish our school.

  • The school may from time to time wish to utilize images of children at the school solely in school publications (e.g. weekly newsletter) or to promote the school in printed publications, press releases, promotions and/or digital media such as our Facebook page or website.

  • The school recognises that a balance is necessary between the low risk of misuse and the numerous positive results of colourful, well-produced school material.


Therefore, all photos will be taken by:

  • the school, parents of the school or former parents of the school with expertise in photography.

  • The school will only take and use images (photographs, videos and DVDs) that are appropriate and considered safe from misuse.

  • Children will be made aware of why their pictures are being taken and how they will be used.

  • The school will take extra precautions to ensure that only appropriate images are used for their website and marketing materials.

  • If an image of a child is used, the child’s name will not be published. If the name is published, no image will be used without specific consent.

  • Children and parents should be encouraged to recognise the value of group photographs or recordings of school events.

  • Images of children from the school will not be used to illustrate controversial subjects.

  • We request that all parents complete and sign a written consent form (optional) to allow the school to take photographs or films of his/her child for school publications or for the incorporation into marketing materials for the school.

  • Parents giving their consent to allow the school to utilize images of their children in the manner described above, indemnify the school against any future claim which may arise as a result of a third party (i.e. a website hacker etc.) making unauthorised use of images of a child taken at the school or school event.


Images for the school website:

  • School websites are part of the Internet and are more easily accessible than paper-based school publications. The school will make sure that only appropriate images are used. Image filenames will avoid using children’s names.

Explore + Discover Montessori Preschool

©2002 by Explore + Discover

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