Explore+ Discover Montessori Preschool has robust measures in place to ensure a safe school environment. Safety is a fundamental aspect of our school's HIV /AIDS Policy, providing parents with the assurance that their children are well-protected.
In terms of the fundamental human rights as detailed in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, no pupil with HIV/AIDS may be unfairly discriminated against either directly or indirectly.
No parent is compelled to disclose their child's HIV/AIDS status to the School. However, in order to act in the best interest of all members of the School community, voluntary disclosure by parents of pupils with HIV/AIDS is encouraged. This disclosure will be in the interest of the pupil with HIV/AIDS as the School may then keep this child's parents aware of any infectious or contagious viruses etc. going around the School that may pose a health risk to their child.
The school will strive towards ensuring confidentiality of this information and will maintain a non-discriminatory environment.
Parents of a pupil with HIV/AIDS must obtain a medical opinion to assess whether the pupil, owing to his/her condition, poses a medically-recognised health risk to others.
Application of Universal Precaution
E & D Montessori Preschool will apply universal precautions to all situations occurring at the School. The basis for the consistent application of universal precautions lies in the assumption that in all situations, all persons are treated as potentially infected with HIV/AIDS and all bodily fluids are treated as such.
All blood will be handled with extreme caution.
Skin exposed accidentally to blood will be washed immediately with running water and antiseptics.
All bleeding wounds, sores, grazes and the like will be cleaned immediately with running water and antiseptics.
All open wounds, sores, breaks in the skin, grazes and open lesions must at all times be covered completely and securely with a non-porous or waterproof dressing or plaster so that there is no risk of exposure to blood.
New latex gloves will be worn by the directresses whenever dealing with blood or body fluid.
Pupils will be taught that all open sores, wounds and grazes must be kept covered completely with waterproof dressings. They will be instructed never to touch the blood, open wounds, sores or grazes of others, nor to handle emergencies such as nosebleeds, cuts or scrapes of their friends. They will be taught to call for assistance from a staff member immediately.
For older children, HIV/AIDS education with the aim of developing life-skills necessary for the prevention of the virus will be facilitated. The younger children will be introduced to the basic first-aid principles to avoid transmission of the virus.
Bleach Solution to properly sanitise area:
9 parts water
1 part bleach
i.e. 900ml water and add 100ml bleach
Keep solution on surface for 10 minutes