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Sick Policy

Children are required to stay at home for the following:


  • Tonsillitis or bronchitis

  • Severe diarrhoea (three or more watery stools within 24 hours)

  • Vomiting (two or more times within 24 hours)

  • Bloody stools or stools containing mucus. This could be a sign of viral or bacterial infection. Call your doctor immediately.

  • A rash. Rashes accompanied by a fever or other symptoms (e.g. itching) must be investigated

  • Chickenpox. Your child can’t attend school from when the first bumps are noticeable until the last wet sore has scabbed and crusted over. You don’t need to wait until the scabs fall off before sending him/her back to school.

  • Mumps, Measles or Rubella

  • Herpes Simplex (cold sores). Open or oozing sores.

  • Symptoms of ringworm, scabies and similar infections. Children suffering from these infestations should only return when the condition has been treated.

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis (‘pink eye’). Red eyes with a yellow discharge.

  • Strep throat

  • Head lice. Every effort should be taken to eliminate the infection of lice and nits before sending children back to school.

  • Children with any symptoms of an infection i.e. temperature, discoloured nasal mucous and/or a phlegm cough (a persistent, hacking cough) will be sent home immediately.

  • Children should not be sent to school if they have been medicated with Calpol, Ponstan or any other medication that will bring their temperature down or hide other symptoms of illness.What often happens when the pain medication wears off, is we have a sick child at school who is feeling very unhappy and who is spreading their germs too. It is not fair on the children who are in good health at school or the staff. The school will contact parents if they notice any signs of illness or have any concerns.


Please do not put medication in your children’s bottles or juice bottles. It is very easy for another child to get hold of your child’s bottle and it is dangerous and unfair for another child to drink the medication (even if it is homeopathic).



  • No medication will be administered by the school staff (this includes: homeopathic remedies, vitamins, antibiotics, pain killers and others)

  • Chronic medication or preventative medication for an ongoing ailment will only be administered by the school once it has been authorised by a GP (doctor) and written consent from a parent or carer is received.

  • Please inform the school should you discover your child has an infectious illness or transferable infections

  • Emails will be sent out if there is an outbreak of an infectious disease or infestation as described

  • Please ensure your child’s nails are short at all times. A friendly pat can easily turn into a blood-drawing scratch! Remember nails grow faster during growth spurts, so please check daily.


​DO NOT leave medication in your child’s school bag, lunch box, milk bottle or juice bottle under any circumstances – this includes all homeopathic medication.

Explore + Discover Montessori Preschool

©2002 by Explore + Discover

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