Toilet and Nappy Procedure
Nappies should be changed as needed. They should be checked often (at least every two hours).
Every nappy change must be noted on the daily nappy changing sheet, specifically noting bowel movements.
Disposable plastic gloves must be worn by staff when changing a nappy or helping a child at the toilet.
Sanitize the nappy-change table with spray.
Gather all items required for the change: nappies, wipes and cream.
Lay the child on the change table. One hand must, at all times, remain on the child positioned on the changing table.
Clean the child thoroughly, using baby wipes. Use cream according to the parents’ routine, and note on the day sheet to parents if nappy rash appears to be developing.
Use the changing opportunity to speak with the child. Gently explain what you are doing while you assist in this most-personal routine.
Soiled clothing goes home in a sealed plastic bag.
Soiled nappies are folded into themselves and disposed of in the dustbin with a lid.
Redress the child
Remove the child from the change table.
Wash your hands.
Wash the child’s hands.
Sanitize the nappy-change table.
Be encouraging of all efforts of the child to self-care as they become able and interested in toilet-readiness and self-care routines.
An adult must always be present to supervise the youngest children in the bathroom.